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Adult Dating, Downers Grove, Illinois
Looking for a fuck buddy!
Any horny fit guys here Send me photo I'm after fit dominant guys Real or phone fun Show me photos of you
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Looking for two bi guys now for 3 sum
Hi. Yes, this is casual encounters. Posting here, as we'll be casting a wider net... I mean, we all like sex. IF YOU DONT SEND PICS AND STATS WITH FIRST RESPONSE WE WILL NOT REPLY....My hubby and I are looking for a few guys to have their way with us pretty much however they want. He is bi and I love watching him get ravaged by a nice cock, now I wanna see him take 3 or 4 or 5. He also wants to see me take on a few at one time also.. I do not do anal, we are both very oral and want to have this one night fling with a group of guys to please us both and we please you. We are ddf and you will be too. Safe play only. Don't respond if you only want to be with one or the other, you have to be with us both... We don't want to get to know you we just want a night of pleasure..
Casual Sex, Downers Grove, Illinois
Sucked & Fucked at Aberdeen??
I have to get exactly what my tight sweetness needs. You've standards so if you are scruffy and fugly let's not squander my time. 971 I enjoy a well kept body that can handle my well maintained body the right way.
Find Fuckbuddy in Downers Grove, Illinois
Genuine irish girl
Hi.;' Preferably older hot man to have a quick dirty fling. Cute young girl with an open mine. Please send pictures and suggestions