Adult Dating, Great Falls, Montana
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Adult Dating, Great Falls, Montana
Warm, Sensual Older Lady for your Pleasure
Love to worship and suck cock. I am quiet good at it especially if you are masculine and have nice cock. Will make you cum even if you don't normally from a blow job. I swallow and would love to learn how to deep throat tonight. Looking for clean discreet masculine lads who enjoy having their dicks sucked. Especially drunk or high guys are so hot to suck as they are super horny and just want to cum hard. I don't mind if you want to smoke or get high while I suck you hard, I don't mind guys who are a little dominant when it comes to showing me deepthroat. I will swallow. Pick me up find a discreet spot. let me work on your throbbing cock with my warm mouth. Bend me over and fuck me so hard I can't walk afterwards. Clean and safe guys only. So bring a condom. Send pic please
Find Fuckbuddy, in Great Falls, Montana
If anybody knows him, is he single? in Oxford city
A rare genuine post. I'm a young woman looking for a potential fwb situation in east kent only. I'll want to chat a bit and then go to drinks to see if we get on. Never tried this before but bored and lonely and craving some male company. Looking for someone friendly and confident between 26-45. You must be able to host as I cannot. Get in touch with a photo, and we'll chat. Please don't bother replying if you are uncomfortable sharing or photo or don't live in thanet/Canterbury as I don't want to travel too far :)xx
Hookup, Great Falls, Montana
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Good evening... Are you available to come spend time with me??? Pics upon request.....text now! Available now
Hookup in Great Falls, Montana
Blow jobs sex strip tease available 24/7
Looking for hot local lads to play with while hubby's away. I'm attractive 30 years old, white, brunette, hazel eyes. I'm looking for good looks, good shape, great experience. I want to be utterly and totally fulfilled. I'm married so discretion is a must. Send body/cock and face pics for a reply