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Adult Dating, New Britain, Connecticut
Older gent must be clean and discreet 65yrs or older for nsa fun with 36yr old blonde blue eyed wife, photo required.
Casual Sex in New Britain, Connecticut
Needle in a haystack
Hey, never posted here before But decided to play away from hubby and this may be a good way to do so? Or do others know any other way? I am after some fun, discretion and patience needed. I am mid 30s slim with a few curves, professional and naughty in the right company. Age or race does not matter but please be 16 or above stone simply my type as i like larger men. Plus' would be being hairy or confident enough to bring a male friend too if you catch my drift :) Responses with pics will recieve replies quickest. Xx
Adult Dating, New Britain, Connecticut
Phone fun now nsa
Hiya, drop me a message if you're interested in feet ;) Kik - TiffanyMure Sorry if I don't reply to everyone!
Adult Dating in New Britain, Connecticut
BBW's panties
we are tony and julie, 40s and she is former porn star Lauryl Canyon we like to have fun with other partners,,,, we are very clean and plan to stay that are some pics,,,, let us know we are both vgl AND horny 420 kind !!!!! tried this yesterday................ lets do it again