Adult Dating, Pacifica, California
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Casual Sex, Pacifica, California
Tribute me
Any of you horny males looking to meet up for some carfun.Must be willing to rwd and provide face pic. If you are ok with this then drop me your kik id and will take it from there. After initial email contact i will only chat on kik so make sure you guys have the app. No exceptions . Kik: Black_Seduction ( btw, Im White)
Adult Dating in Pacifica, California
I love meeting new people
Hi there. I've recently come out of a long term relationship so am a bit headfucked. But that's the wrong sort of fucked for me right now, I need to be pussyfucked instead, no strings but ideally want to find a regular fuck buddy who has a girthy cock. I'm a big girl, tall and curvy at size 18 and not exactly a looker but I do take care of myself. Tbh I am kind of shitting myself at shagging someone new after all this time, haven't shown my bod to anyone new in over 10 years and have changed a lot since then. I was uninhibited with my ex but am thinking with someone new I'd prefer to wear sexy bodies/lingerie in bed unless you like big girls specifically. That said I love sex and being massaged, edging, sucking, teasing you and l will make you feel good ;) Meeting up at yours is essential as I don't want to be the one inadvertently destroying a family (told ya- headfucked). I want someone who I get on well with and can have a chat, drink, possibly sniff, and a laugh with. So phone call and pub date first. And I will need to go on your fb to check you're not attached and that your pics are recent. I won't reply to messages without a pic.
Casual Sex, Pacifica, California
Sweet girl looking for Nottingham?
Looking for a man who I can send my sissy husband to to do chores and clean his boots. I want to see him slobbering over the boots as you beat his ass and see him degraded. If you have big tall rigger biker riding timb or army boots then you are ideal. Also take place in your home. Get in touch
Casual Sex in Pacifica, California
Men in suits/uniform in aberdeen city?
I'm 19 and pissed I want sex right now can't travel unless it's reachable in a taxi I'm a plus size girl size 22-24 but up for anything get messaging me and f you want some fun now !!