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Casual Sex, Portsmouth, GB
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Hey everyone. Area female here, graduated from CSUC, now just killing time while I look for the right job and the right location. Most of my friends have moved on now, and I find that I'm alone a lot. I have no one to talk to, and it doesn't help that I live alone for the first time in my life. I've posted on here before looking for friends, and as you can imagine, because that's how craigslist works, I mostly got dick pictures. I'm really not in the market for dick pictures right now. Sorry to be blunt, but I'm looking for a more meaningful connection than that. Don't waste my time. That disclaimer out of the way, I'm a really nice person. I try to be, anyway. I get along with a lot of different kinds of people. I like to do a lot of different kinds of things. I like being outdoors, though I'm not terribly athletic
Casual Sex, in Portsmouth, GB
I'm looking for someone who would like to have some fun car play tonight.Looking for big dick only and must be drug, and disease free.
Hookup, Portsmouth, GB
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Single for while and I like it that way, but sometimes I feel lonely and it would be nice to have someone around from time to time. I can host or travel...
Casual Sex in Portsmouth, GB
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Uh - oh ! You've only just started and yet you already have that familiar feeling in your penis..... Come on, just carry on you won't cum yet it's only been a few seconds you won't cum yet, will you?? Just stop for a second. Hold it, hold it, hold it, uh oh, oh no no no no no no!!!!!!!! It's over. You've shot your load. Sound familiar?