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Meet me
We are looking for a couple who wants to get together Friday night for some fun. We can host after 9. Looking for a couple who is serious and wants to come have some fun. We can have some drinks and chill and let the fun begin. We are both 31, married, she is bi, he is straight. Always looking to try new things, can be kinky sometimes, wild at times. The girl being bi is not a requirement, just an added bonus lol So if you are serious and want to get together tonight, send us an email with your ages, a description of yourselves, pics are always an easy way to describe yourselves, they do not need to be nude pics, g rated are perfectly fine. If you want to start texting, send a number and I will shoot you a text and we can go from there. So lets start setting up the plans! :-)
Casual Sex, in Providence, Rhode Island
Interested in an American woman?
Any taxi men able to pick me up tonight! Mature men only Kik only don't give out number
Casual Sex, Providence, Rhode Island
Photographer needs room for photo shoot
Do you need some new profile pics, or private naughty pics to send to potential hook-ups? I'm a very easy going and friendly amateur photographer. I can take pics of you and touch them up with photoshop, or I can just take them on your iPhone if you are concerned about privacy. Will be available in a hotel room in E1 this Friday (10th). If interested get in touch
Casual Sex, in Providence, Rhode Island
Dirty Knickers
Hey worn panties all kinds for sale Pics of panties included .... Message for more info L xx