Adult Dating, Sarasota, Florida
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Hookup, Sarasota, Florida
ReGulaR Fwb for Edinburgh?
Up for sucking a nice straight guys dick! Not getting anything at home? Curious? Hit me up, City Centre location, discreet and clean! Horny all the time. Can have porn in whilst I do it ;) Message with age, requirements and dates/times... Genuine only! 34, straight acting, athletic build, shaven hair, 5'11", not bad looking. Don't share face pics unfortunately.
Casual Sex in Sarasota, Florida
For sale - panties
Its cold out today let me warm u up body heat is the best way and my hands and mouth are always warm so if u wana get hot and steamy then contact me i dnt drive so would have to come to me
Casual Sex, Sarasota, Florida
Buxom female availble tonight
I am looking for a guy to teach my wife how to be a slut. I don't need to be in at the time but we will decide together who get to do the deed. She is also open to groups of men or cupples. Anything goes this is for her to explore and learn from. She is 26 so looking for anyone below 50. Please include a photo and what you would do to her in your reply the dirtiest will probably be the one picked!. We look forward to hearing from you
Casual Sex in Sarasota, Florida
Gloryhole 2 man and woman sucking
looking for a hung black guy to chat my gf up while out one night. will be in club on union st that starts with E ill get her drunk and you will start chatting her up and flirting while I watch. if all goes well you come home with us. hot 22 year old, will be wearing sexy outfit of heels, short skirt and tights. must send pics and reply with name of the club or will be ignored. if we are interested will reply with date and description, etc