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You hurt me.
I am a bossy demanding curvaceous black Queen Seeking the perfect gentleman to cater to me. Mature Submissive Gentleman please reply with a pic and what you are seeking!
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Friday night Club party
Helo im lavata 1m 21 years old i have free lflat all day as brother at home so if you are near me i like see u
Hookup, Spanish Fork, Utah
Young girl for all your desires
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Adult Dating in Spanish Fork, Utah
Hot red head
Bored and looking for abit of fun on kik. Willing to trade pics/vids ;) Looking for guys 18-40 in good shape. Waiting to here from you... :P (reply with pic). Please don't email. Kik: jayc(one,nine,eight,nine,five,five,five) (No space and the numbers - not the words)