Casual Sex, Mountain View, California
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Hookup, Mountain View, California
Asian fetish
Craving being able to give someone a nice, wet blowjob. I love to please and can guarantee you'd walk away happy. Looking for discrete, no strings attached fun. Blowjob then leave.
Hookup in Mountain View, California
Videos pictures and panties for sale!!
Not sure what to put here, however, just searching for some pleasure. Whether that's casual or more long-term is based on the guy. I love athletic guys.
Casual Sex, Mountain View, California
Hello, I'm looking for something different.... a little while ago I met someone on Craig's list and acted as a cum dump. We didn't speak and it made me feel fucked and worthless. The kind of thing I like. I'm looking for something similar, so either the same again meet in a public toilet to be a cum dump, or do you know a glory hole? Any ideas for flashing ect? I'm open to fantasies? Let me know yours. This will take place today around cheltenhan centre
Casual Sex in Mountain View, California
Kinky penpal for hire
European divorce woman (43yrs) looking for fun with a young lover. I have a high sexual drive and like man younger than me with a dirty mind. Ideally you should be in your 20s, hung, healthy, full of energy, cum, stamina and willing to explore your dominant side in bed. I live alone, so weekly meetings are perfect, I am not looking for romance, just sex. I have some experience and I would like to share it with you and explore more. I am white, blue eyes, dark hair, in shape (go to the gym three times per week). Send me me your description, what you are looking and pics for mines.