Casual Sex, Portsmouth, Virginia
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Think of these trying times as opportunities to expand your erotic creativity using different media platforms.
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Find Fuckbuddy, Portsmouth, Virginia
Anyone looking for a BBW?
Couple seeking one extra VVWE guy for some outdoor fun. Hopefully the weather cooperates and we meet at a local spot for some fun - if the weather is against us then maybe relocate indoors. No photos required in the first instance but please don't just say "VWE" - actually give a size (your idea of VWE may not match hers :) ) If we pick you then you would need to be prepared to send a pic and be contactable. * Edited to add - if you ignore the above and sent a pic and didnt quote a size you wont get a reply. Mails in the first instance will be read by the guy, I really don't need to see your cock - and more importantly camera angles can make big look small and small look big. (size isnt everything - but this little fantasy is quite "shallow - it is about size :) )
Find Fuckbuddy, in Portsmouth, Virginia
Cock rating
Not entirely sure whether its good idea to put this on here but I have gone back to tinder. Looking for a tall fit guy who's interests potentially including marvel films, going to the cinema, museums... nerds can apply ! (I'm a nerdy curvy girl )
Casual Sex, Portsmouth, Virginia
Busy pursuing other pussy
Young girl looking for a little naughty fun tonight. Want a man who is willing to have some fun Can't accomodate but can travel.
Hookup in Portsmouth, Virginia
Free flat
Hi, I'm a 21 y/o student selling pics and used undies :-) friendly and open minded so please drop me a message. L xxx