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Find Fuckbuddy, San Jacinto, California
Looking for more-19
Good looking single girl Looking for fit guy for NSA fun later tonight, cannot accommodate must be between 25-35, I can travel if needed, I must be attracted to you so reply with a face/body pic :)
Find Fuckbuddy in San Jacinto, California
Young sexy white girl looking for older black guy
This is in fact a guy. Give me a number and I rung it and a man answered it. Why post in W4m
Find Fuckbuddy, San Jacinto, California
Single Student
Hi, I'm a genuine bbw woman looking for someone to bend me over and show me what they've got. We could start off with some warm cuddling in bed where your hands are free to wonder around my body... I'm quite shy with dark hair and dark eyes, I'm very short, and take care of my appearance. Happy to host at mine, but would prefer it be at your place or we could split the cost of a hotel - discretion is important for me! I'm ddf as you should be too. Put your favourite colour as your title so I know you've read this properly. Will send picture once you've sent yours and I know you're genuine. No couples, ages 25-35 only please!
Find Fuckbuddy in San Jacinto, California
new friends
Hey, as title says. Gay fella here, have a glory hole set up for suck you off! I won't see you, you don't see me, suck and go ;) Based Derby City Centre, me 34, athletic build, white, shaved hair. Clean and discreet! Up for a wank buddy too, watch Some porn and chill. Kik: alexthekidmcqueen