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Adult Dating, Turlock, California
Local girl pic trade
If u wana know more get in touch criptic i know but dnt that make it more intriguing and more fun hope to here frm u all
Hookup in Turlock, California
Tell me about my car
Looking for a toyboy to play with in the park. Sometimes I take my dog for a walk in East Brighton Park and sometimes I get a bit lonely. Sometimes I imagine meeting a man and having a quickie, it would be so easy. I usually walk for a couple of hours so my husband wouldn't even notice. I'm in my 40's and need a lad about 10 years younger. One off or meet again. A pic helps. Local only.
Hookup, Turlock, California
Need a fun dominant daddy...
Single for while and I like it that way, but sometimes I feel lonely and it would be nice to have someone around from time to time. I can host or travel...
Adult Dating in Turlock, California
Car gang bang mon night
Am bored any guy or guys fancy getting me drunk and high and having some fun tonite ...only reply with pics will be answered...send me your kik name and we can chat on there ..