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Adult Dating, Watsonville, California
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Hey! Im a genuine and professional 29- year old Scottish woman who is looking for a bit of rewarded fun in Edinburgh today. I am 5'9" tall with long curly dark brown hair, long legs and brown eyes. I'm a fully natural 38G and a fit and toned UK dress size 12. I don't host sorry but if you can then get in touch!ᅠ Sorry but I don't send out pictures for privacy and discretion....I have a career, friends, family and so on to think about. I do look exactly as described and I'm sure you wouldn't be disappointed.ᅠ Thanks for reading and I look forward to meeting you!
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Hey guys, NSA fun here. I've got the house to myself tonight so I'm after someone to come over and give me a full body massage. Can end exactly how you want it's all in the hands of you....even the oil! Message me now, no time wasters!! Send a photo. I'm fairly good looking, 25 and have a decent body! Xxx