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Find Fuckbuddy, Auburn, Washington
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Hi guys, I would love to chat with anyone who would be interested in doing a cum tribute for me and then showing me the end result. Can't wait to hear from you x
Hookup in Auburn, Washington
Big black
I'm a professional writer who can bring your dirty dreams to life in a unique 5-page short story written specifically for you. As a bisexual woman, I write straight and lesbian erotica, as well as gay male erotica aimed at a female audience. I will consider any fetish as long as it's not illegal to write, and your story can be as smutty or as romantic as you prefer. Your story could be with you in as little as 24 hours. What are you waiting for? Contact me with some info as to what you would like to read about (e.g. Blonde woman and US Marine get up to spanking and anal fun in a hotel room) and I will get back to you with a quote and to discuss more details.
Adult Dating, Auburn, Washington
Tribute me
I'm looking for my daddy he should be here by now... I need changing washing and toilet training I need to be played with and I need to be cuddled and put to bed for my nap.... I can't talk very much I just say dada and point at things I want I cry when I don't get attention and I'm naughty some times so I need smacking on my bottom! I'm waiting in my bed for daddy to start the day... Feel free to bring pet dogs I love playing with cute fluffy animals.. I'm in my onesie with my head in piggy tails .... I have lots of cute puppy fat and roles I'm hoping to grow out of in time ... only apply if u are caring
Casual Sex, in Auburn, Washington
there is no feeling is there?
Girls looking for birthday sex meet in London . Send pics! I'll send mine first no time to loose. Looks don't matter. Big dick! Send dick pick. Hygiene is a must. No random guys ! U must know each other as discretion is important. I'm a Muslim girl it's my birthday I love big dick. Send dick and face pic. If I like ill send face pic then we talk on fone. My friend will need fucking too . 5 guys will be good.