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Hookup, Dallas, Texas
4 some Fuck and go
31 year old married woman looking for a big cock or if it's not big then nice looking . Looking for preferably a car meet but may come to yours for rite man . Please bare in mind I will get hundreds of replys so make your self stand out tell me a little about yourself and what you want to do with me .Pleaae don't be to pushy or arrogant and definitely include a pic or you simply won't get a reply Kik me at slutwife86 Thanks
Hookup in Dallas, Texas
Mean Mistress Moody Monday
We are looking for a couple who wants to get together Friday night for some fun. We can host after 9. Looking for a couple who is serious and wants to come have some fun. We can have some drinks and chill and let the fun begin. We are both 31, married, she is bi, he is straight. Always looking to try new things, can be kinky sometimes, wild at times. The girl being bi is not a requirement, just an added bonus lol So if you are serious and want to get together tonight, send us an email with your ages, a description of yourselves, pics are always an easy way to describe yourselves, they do not need to be nude pics, g rated are perfectly fine. If you want to start texting, send a number and I will shoot you a text and we can go from there. So lets start setting up the plans! :-)
Hookup, Dallas, Texas
Car pLay inN oxford
Looking for a young sexy male. Looking for someone to text, smoke with or just chill. I am a college student... 21 years.
Find Fuckbuddy in Dallas, Texas
Let's Fuck
The fact that you're married is already a turn on and if you're older even better. I'm very drama free and not here to ruin your relationship but sometimes after a while things get boring and well that's what I'm here for