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Casual Sex, Davis, California
Seeking pleasure At Newcastle City Area
Attractive, sexy girl looking for a worthwhile,discreet,ongoing arrangement. One liners will be deleted x
Find Fuckbuddy in Davis, California
Sexy curvy blonde
I am looking for a guy to teach my wife how to be a slut. I don't need to be in at the time but we will decide together who get to do the deed. She is also open to groups of men or cupples. Anything goes this is for her to explore and learn from. She is 26 so looking for anyone below 50. Please include a photo and what you would do to her in your reply the dirtiest will probably be the one picked!. We look forward to hearing from you
Adult Dating, Davis, California
looking for missing Dundee hostel
Hi everyone... Im simply looking for a hot guy for a fwb type of relationship. Im 28, 5'2 tall, good looking and white. I've always wanted to have a fling with a random stranger and hopefully a cute one will reply. I want something safe, fun and hot. Something ongoing perhaps once or twice a week. If you can host thats cool, I also can. So if you're not looking for a relationship but are still needing the physical aspects of one, then reply back and hopefully we can help each other out. Send me a pic and I will do so in return. Thanks for reading! :)
Adult Dating in Davis, California
Nasty Phone sex
Im a 18yo girl, i enjoy being a baby girl and being completely dependent on someone. I'd like a daddy figure who can nurture me and train me to be a prefect baby girl. I like to wear nappies and suck dummies and have my stuffed animals to snuggle. I like to get into that little head space and having a daddy to share that with and encourage and nurture that small girl inside me is what I want. I like to be restrained in bondage and gagged with my dummy, forced to use to nappy for everything.