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Seriously pissed off tonight Boring Sunday market tomorrow morning Have to confess I'm a bit of a cum slut If you're going to the market and need to unload I'm your woman let me know Please tell me a bit about you
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Fun Wanted Whilst At Gig
Is the any Dom men out there looking for a slut to use? Message me and put slut in reply bar ??メヨ????
Hookup, Kansas City, Missouri
Hey fellas! Attractive hottie here looking for a guy who is good looking, nice, NORMAL, . Must have a sense of humor...Just wanting a fling. If you can please me good maybe we could get together again. Send pic get pic....
Hookup in Kansas City, Missouri
Bored anyone wanna come smoke? Mk
Would anyone like to meet today and pick up a pair of nice worn underwear. I'll take them off just before we meet so they're still warm and moist when I hand them to you x