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Hookup, Antioch, California
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22 y/o female, 5'6 blonde from Glasgow looking for rough masculine lad from Wales to talk filth into my ear and tell me all his dirtiest sexy thoughts over the phone, the Welsh accent is such a turn on for me and I've heard that the men from there are the sexiest, filthiest fuckers and I want to find out for myself, I'm a naughty girl so no limits! Pic not required but preferred. No time wasters please xxx
Hookup in Antioch, California
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Hi My name's darcey and I'm a hot tattood bbw living in the north east.... I have lots of pics on my Insta savagett69 And also if u wanna get in contact the best way is my snap chat so add me on there it's darceysavage21 Hope to speak to loads of you soon Much love Darcey xoxo
Casual Sex, Antioch, California
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um... this is sort of a spur of the moment thing. I always feel awkward describing myself, seems silly and always sounds like everyone else. But I'm not everyone else, obviously. I'm sarcastic, can find a joke in anything, a bit of a smartass (but it's better to be smart and an ass than just an ass), love music and dancing, fancy myself an artist, and...I'm also a horrible anime fan girl. :P kik me feistydreamer
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