Hookup, Bristol, Connecticut
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Find Fuckbuddy, Bristol, Connecticut
Any dogging in the valleys near cardiff today?
So, search for "Women looking for Men" (w4m), in Bath. How many listings do you see? You know already, because you looked long ago. The answer is 4, and it stays 4. (1) - One, a listing for an alternative site, which has no results in its Casual Encounters search (2) - Two, a listing which appears to be a SnapChat spam lure to get people to give up their I.D (3) - Three, an old listing from November 6th of possibly last year because it no longer exists. (4) - Four, an old listing which also no longer exists. Conclusion 1 : There are NO Women seeking Casual Sex in Bath / Somerset, by the internet. Conclusion 2 : It's a vast sausage fest, because Women fear they'd encounter a serial killer. Conclusion 3 : All of us Men are wasting our time posting / re-posting these listings. Conclusion 4 : The only Women here are 'selling' items such as panties, or 'no meet' live feeds. It simply acts as masturbatory fantasy land, if anything - the thrill of putting out the listing. I'm genuinely happy to be proved wrong and do welcome reports of successfull meetings via this medium. Contact me through the Craiglist route, with your opinion / findings. * Btw, Golden Rule = ignore any mails demanding you contact them outside of Craiglist mail relay. (you would terminally open yourself up to a torrent of spam, if you fall for that chestnut)
Hookup in Bristol, Connecticut
Gay for str8
Hello boys, im feeling really naughty and horny this evening. If u can accomadate send me a message Xx
Find Fuckbuddy, Bristol, Connecticut
The cambridge to sunday funday
Dominant female looking for submissive men to control online. My work commitments limit me to online interactions for the moment. I'm looking for men who will enjoy being my plaything and enjoy fulfilling my tasks and commands. Will ask to see all of you, face included. Best contact me via KiK. Message me and ask me for my username and ask for my first command if you're interested. Thank you.
Hookup in Bristol, Connecticut
Jack & jerk Off FUnn in Coventry?
Love to worship and suck cock. I am quiet good at it especially if you are masculine and have nice cock. Will make you cum even if you don't normally from a blow job. I swallow and would love to learn how to deep throat tonight. Looking for clean discreet masculine lads who enjoy having their dicks sucked. Especially drunk or high guys are so hot to suck as they are super horny and just want to cum hard. I don't mind if you want to smoke or get high while I suck you hard, I don't mind guys who are a little dominant when it comes to showing me deepthroat. I will swallow. Pick me up find a discreet spot. let me work on your throbbing cock with my warm mouth. Bend me over and fuck me so hard I can't walk afterwards. Clean and safe guys only. So bring a condom. Send pic please