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Find Fuckbuddy, Lenexa, Kansas
Young girl for all your desires
Hey guys the doctor is taking appointments today. If you wanna see me today please contact me and lets set up an appointment. Copays are required at time of service. Hurry
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Discrete REAL Taxi Driver wanted
Hi guys, Genuine husband here looking for guys that my wife could suck off. I know she's met about 10 guys on here before some I knew about and others that I didn't. This time I'm looking to find someone who will be sucked while I watch. This could be arranged with her knowledge or possibly without and arranged as a surprise. Ideally she would pick the guy but obviously if it's a surprise she won't. So get back to me and let me know why it should be you. If it goes well it'll hopefully lead to more than just a blow job. Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing from you.
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Online funx
Curvy but fit 30 something, sporty looks after some fun tonight. Have cleaned out the lap pool and would love to power it up
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Real Woman Seeking in bath ?
Looking for someone to have some fun with! I am Separated andwe must be discreet.. I amable to host.Hope to talk to you soon.I can host or travel.