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Adult Dating, North Richland Hills, Texas
Scottish girl looking for hot phone sex with rough hard English lad
Met someone special on here Feb this year.Fell for him bigstyle.. Hoped it was the real deal...If he's reading this he'll know who I mean. Still miss you much Mr M x
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Hookup, North Richland Hills, Texas
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To be blunt I'm looking for a good looking male who can give me a good time as I'm really sexually frustrated I love oral, it really turns me on I'm size 18 big tits blonde hair so you must be ok with a bigger woman Hygiene is also very important. I'm clean and expect the same I love the athletic / rugby player type build and must be good looking Don't want any drama and there is nothing worse than being hounded message after message if I don't reply quickly I MUST be able to see a face pic of you