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Find Fuckbuddy, Spokane Valley, Washington
Looking for any guys interested in feet :)
Add me on Snapchat where I will perform tasks for you and insert objects of your choice ( the more bizarre and dirty the better ) Cdonavon9 x
Find Fuckbuddy in Spokane Valley, Washington
Daddy's Good Little Whore
Love to worship and suck cock. I am quiet good at it especially if you are masculine and have nice cock. Will make you cum even if you don't normally from a blow job. I swallow and would love to learn how to deep throat tonight. Looking for clean discreet masculine lads who enjoy having their dicks sucked. Especially drunk or high guys are so hot to suck as they are super horny and just want to cum hard. I don't mind if you want to smoke or get high while I suck you hard, I don't mind guys who are a little dominant when it comes to showing me deepthroat. I will swallow. Pick me up find a discreet spot. let me work on your throbbing cock with my warm mouth. Bend me over and fuck me so hard I can't walk afterwards. Clean and safe guys only. So bring a condom. Send pic please
Adult Dating, Spokane Valley, Washington
Black Friday Night Club Event in SF
Meet for a drink or two and possibly a little more;) looking for WM, DDF, looking to get out for a few. Please be real.i can host?
Adult Dating in Spokane Valley, Washington
I'm looking for an adventurous couple
EASTBOURNE GANGBANG lifestyle-gangbang-parties EASTBOURNE PRE-CHRISTMAS GANGBANG THEME WE ARE ALSO THE SECOND TOP SEARCH IN GOOGLE FOR ' GANGBANG PARTIES' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEW PARTY DATE 29th of NOVEMBER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PLEASE MESSAGE US AND WE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH FURTHER DETAILS I AM A GENUINE ENGLISH GIRL THAT WANTS TO BE GANGBANGED WITH MY FRIENDS EVIE, AND INVITED COUPLES AND SINGLE GIRLS WE WANT OUR FACES COVERED IN CUM.....PLEASE HELP! Hi all and thanks so much for visiting my profile. I am a genuine English girl, a very petite size six, only five foot three tall and in my late twenties . Like many many other women. I have always fantasised about being gangbanged as many other women I know do, and I've done it and love it, as my boyfriend can't cope with my sexual demands as I am just a very cock hungry girl, Who needs satisfying from more than one guy, as Do many girls. so I am having a gangbang the with the consent of my boyfriend IN EASTBOURNE on the 29TH of NOVEMBER WITH ME, EVIE as your hosts with invited couples and single girls, we cany get enough of you guys, we want you to use us, there will be one party in the afternoon and evening so you guys dont miss out to make our fantasy of being total sluts come true and to be fucked by lots of men. LOW RATIO UPTO 9 PLAYING GUYS AND TWO GIRLS MINIMUM four to one RATIO EASTBOURNE 29TH NOVEMBER I will rent a great venue in the heart of EASTBOURNE And I will be inviting a group of men along to have me and my friends and other girls on each date in every way. We hope lots of guys have us just like in the films and finish off with everybody cuming on our boobs and face. If your new to the scene or a vetran this is a great fun filled party with no pressure to play you can watch if you want GENUINE GANGBANG NEW PARTY EASTBOURNE 29TH NOVEMBER If you are interested in helping me make mine and other girls fantasies come true then please message me and I will reply with the details. Please include your ethnic origin and age in the message please Want a gangbang with myself and the gorgeous Evie in NOVEMBER with other invited couples and single girls, if you love a low ratio gangbang this one is for you, One party at 11 pm - 1 pm and another at 7pm - 9 pm Contribution for EASTBOURNE ??80 pounds Food / drink / condoms / lube provided **ALL MY EMAILS ARE SENT THROUGH EVENTBRITE TO MANAGE AND ORGANISE THE PARTY SO PLEASE CHECK YOUR JUNK MAIL** We are affiliated with (greedy girls uk (well known on punter link uk) and (lifestyle gangbang parties Hastings) if you have attended one of these we've likely met before and you know what to expect and the quality of our parties Please message me If your interested in attending *** there is no filming or photography permitted *** *** all sex is safe sex..... NO BAREBACK NO EXCEPTIONS ** *lifestyle-gangbang-parties