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If you are a piggy and know what it means to be a piggy then message me with what u have to offer me.Rewards wanted and obedient piggies wanted.Send pic and a bit about u for quick reply xx
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Hotel hookup for Saturday night
I'm looking for someone specific..someone who can please me tonight..someone who can come by and make me moan...someone like u...tell me about yourself and show me a few pictures to entice me..please be no older than 35
Hookup, Amarillo, Texas
Lets have some fun..
Just divorced 35 years old slim white lady wants satisfaction from asian men. I can host only weekend. Car fun is fine for me. Safety and discreation comes first. Please attach your clear brown pe**nis picture before you knock.
Adult Dating in Amarillo, Texas
Experienced Doctor Required
Looking for a guy..a guy who appreciates a pussy and knows just how to eat it, Like its his last supper!! And make me come. My bf who see few n far times is lazy and iam needing attention before I explode.iam offering a bit attention in return ...clean and discrete..secrets need to be crap .I want this and no time wasters..EH17 eat me ...