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Find Fuckbuddy, Freeport, New York
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Single for while and I like it that way, but sometimes I feel lonely and it would be nice to have someone around from time to time. I can host or travel...
Find Fuckbuddy in Freeport, New York
Naughty woman looking for a man
I want a man to treat me like a princess. Buy me gifts and treat me the way I deserve to me treated. In return, this sexy, intelligent, well educated woman will treat you like a prince and fulfill all your sexual desires. I am very open sexually and I love to please a man. I am petite but curvy with huge tits and a big ass (both of which I like to be fucked). I don't come cheap but I am worth it. If you are interested please send me a mail with details on how you would treat me and what you would like in return. Please also send a photo. I will send one back if I like what I hear...
Adult Dating, Freeport, New York
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I haven't heard from you in a while. I know our fling was short because of the family. I wish we could hang out again for old times sake and have some fun. I promise they won't find out. I know you miss me too. :)
Find Fuckbuddy in Freeport, New York
Playtime Monday 27th November - afternoon and night
I'm open to having you try out your bisexual side at my place. Nothing hotter than 2 men going at it. If you're interested, message me and tell me what you're looking for.