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Casual Sex, Modesto, California
Here in Exeter
got them monday blues . U want something to put a smile on ur face . Athletic size 8-10 horny 30 yo . I dnt travel or drive if u want to knw more u knw what to do ???ノ also I do what I do for a lil something
Adult Dating in Modesto, California
Looking for a fuck buddy
Hi. I'm a really fun girl. I love going out and keeping fit. I'm attractive and easy to get on with. I equally like sports as much as dressing up and going out. Im a fun person:)
Adult Dating, Modesto, California
Early Morning...I'm young and very tight.
Hi, in a nutshell I'm a married woman that wants to have another mans key on my anklet. It would be a subtle little thing that no one else would really notice me wearing but for me and the right man it would be amazingly erotic. Now for the not in a nutshell lol. I want a man to lock himself away in a chastity device for my pleasure and send me the key to wear. Id love to feel his key on my anklet as I went about my usual day to day routine and feel the buzz of knowing I owned a man, that he was in torment for my pleasure. I want my chastity slave to be desperately waiting for my flirty/filthy messages and tasks that I as his key holder would set him so he can earn his release, the duration of chastity would be negotiated and different targets/rewards would be part of the fun. Just to be clear I am not going to leave my hubby (I love him), this is something on the side for me to enjoy. If the right guy is out there I would want a meet every so often too. I am serious about this and wont be bothering to reply to time wasters so if you dont know what a chastity device is then dont bother, and for those that do know what one is just to prove you read this please make sure to put "chastity slave" in the subject of your reply. x
Casual Sex in Modesto, California
I'm best blow in London Anal now
Hey, Heading to a gig at Manchester Academy this coming Saturday (18th) and want fun while am there. 28yo married BBW from Leeds but want a good fucking while there ;) Am not staying over but coming early and leaving once it's finished. xx