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Find Fuckbuddy, Cupertino, California
Horny girl for fun
Hello Looking for some intense fun with a physically fit guy. I'm Indian; slim, toned and look after myself, healthy, clean with a small tight waxed pussy. This could be a one nighter or regular.. I may be able to accommodate for the right person. Reply with your face and body photo and let's meet up! ;-) Please only reply if you have the intention of meeting aged 19 to 40 only.
Hookup in Cupertino, California
Gay for str8
Update on car orgy tomorrow night.. This is real and i have to again say that we have enough lads so please no more emails asking if you can take part..maybe next time.. Althoughwe do still require 2 more girls...are their any girls out there willing to participate?????? Already have 3 girls attending with 5 guys so far. So please GIRLS if this is something you would like to try give me a shout on here..very safe and clean so no worries on that front ok. Guys please dont waste your time replying only do if you can bring along a girl who is willing to shag. Thanks. I will be doing another one in a few weeks time.
Adult Dating, Cupertino, California
Pretty lady
Looking for someone to fuck my tight pussy whilst my boyfriend watches. Open to meeting somewhere mutual. You must be clean. Reply or Kik me at 987pm, please share photos, your age and location to get a reply
Casual Sex in Cupertino, California
Jack & jerk Off FUnn in Derby?
"And who is going to be wearing this blindfold?" I'm not sure what to reply... I knew you'd like the idea of the sensory imbalance when I suggested it but hadn't got much further than that... Then I catch the flicker of your eyebrows and the suppressed smile as you repeat the question, slower. And I know the answer. "I'd better show you where the toys and things are kept before I put it on. Sir." I bite my bottom lip slightly waiting for the feedback and only realise when it comes that I'd been holding my breath. You probably expected me to scamper back to the bed with something a little more glamorous than a Virgin Atlantic freebie sleep mask but then you're learning that I don't really do contrived... Looking to play with someone else lightly inventive who doesn't take this too seriously. Not looking for either dom or sub (because defined roles are restrictive) nor even a switch really (becasue power play is only one fun thing to do). But open minded is a must. I'm 30s, safe, sane, overly educated and moderately attractive. It would be lovely (there is, let's face it, something inherently onanistic about casual play) to find somebody similar surfing this murky little corner of the web. Single is a must unless your partner is playing with you. Clean-living simply more practical. Just-the-right-amount-of-bitey kisses all, xx