Hookup, Portland, Maine
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Find Fuckbuddy, Portland, Maine
Bbw available
Any of you horny males looking to meet up for some carfun.Must be willing to rwd and provide face pic. If you are ok with this then drop me your kik id and will take it from there. After initial email contact i will only chat on kik so make sure you guys have the app. No exceptions . Kik: Black_Seduction ( btw, Im White)
Hookup, in Portland, Maine
Bs11 anyone? Late night outside. Dogging
Hi guys I'm looking for a nice genuine horny guy over 38 for some good fun times! Im not kinky sex Or into given bj's either! I don't mind receiving oral I'm 40 5ft 8 size 14 bigish bust with brown hair can't accommodate tho can travel within reason! Why not get in touch and tell me about your self NO dick pictures please.
Casual Sex, Portland, Maine
Is it selfish to want an oral orgasm and nothing more ?
Hello if your a mature business man that's in london and needs hotel Bj or servicing then please get in touch. I prefer white mature business men over 40. I am over 18 and under 25. Please be clean & DDF. Your picture gets mine. No time wasters, no one liner, no picture collectors.
Adult Dating in Portland, Maine
Need fun antics now
Hi there. Catchy title huh? We are a bigger couple with bigger wants. We want you two to, well yknow with us. Simple right? Must love BBWs. If we click with the right couple, then this may turn into an ongoing fling! Take a look at the pics and think on it. Replies with pics get priority, and the right replies will get our numbers, and you know you want those, and then some. Dont get self conscious and not reply, we are not looking for a specific age/body type. We are looking for full swap if possible, but are flexible. She is also bi, so thats a plus. Be D/D free. No single men please and thank you. If YOU want to fuck that pussy, and if YOU want to get fucked by that cock then we have winners! Hope to hear from you soon.